7 Immediate Steps to Take if Your Home Floods


As we get into storm season, here are a few tips on what to do right away if your home starts to leak or flood. Above all, be sure you are safe – if the situation is moving too quickly, simply evacuate and wait for professional help. If the flood is minor and you have time to respond, here is the list of steps you should take:

  1. Stop the water flow.

    If the leak is coming from your plumbing, shut off your water. Do you know where your water shutoff valve is located? Take the time to find it now so you don’t have to scramble in an emergency. If it is coming from your roof, plug the leak if you can or place a bucket to catch the water.

  2. Turn off the electricity.

    Water and electricity do not mix, so shut off electricity to the affected area immediately. Be careful not to touch or move any appliances until after the electricity is off.

  3. Outfit yourself in protective gear.

    Depending on the source of the water, there could be harmful bacteria, so wear gloves , a mask, and rain boots to minimize your contact with the water.

  4. Document the damage.

    Before you attempt any clean up, make sure you document the damage for your insurance. Take photos or videos of all affected areas.

  5. Keep the area cool.

    To help prevent mold growth, keep the affected area cool while you wait for professional help.

  6. Remove what you can.

    Remove items from the floor, including area rugs and furniture. If you cannot move the furniture out of the affected area, place foil or plastic between the furniture and the floor to prevent carpet stains.

  7. Call us! We offer 24/7 emergency service.

    Give us a call at 405-329-8999 and we will come out to assess the situation and help you determine next steps. We will work carefully with you to provide water damage restoration services to get you back to normal as soon as possible – and we bill directly to insurance!

Additional sources: realtor.com