Don't Forget to Drip

Don't Forget to Drip

With cold weather moving in for the winter, it’s time to start safeguarding your home. One big way to do this is to take precautions to keep your pipes from bursting. Luckily for you, we’re here with some tips and tricks for keeping your home safe!

What causes pipes to burst?

When temperatures drop, pipes have a tendency to freeze. When pipes freeze, there is less space for the water to travel, which causes an increase in pressure. This increased pressure can cause the pipes to burst.

How can I protect my pipes this winter?

There are two big strategies for preventing burst pipes:
1. Keep your water moving
2. Keep your pipes warm

To keep your water moving, you should leave a steady drip of both cold and hot water taps. If you have a single-handle faucet, simply leave a warm drip. This will keep your water circulating, minimizing the chance of a freeze and decreasing the pressure build up.

There are a lot of ways to keep your pipes warm, including adding extra insulation and sealing any air leaks near your pipes. Another easy thing to do is leave your cabinet doors open to ensure your house’s warm air can circulate around your water pipes. And while we all want to save energy when we’re out of town, be careful you still keep some heat on in freezing weather to prevent burst pipes!.

What if my pipes do burst?

If your preventative measures aren’t enough and your pipes burst this winter, we can help. We offer a variety of water damage cleanup and flood repair services. We also offer 24/7 emergency service and will be at your door in 60 minutes or less. The best part? We bill directly to your insurance. Save our information in case you need it in a hurry!

Sooner Cleaning + Restoration