4 Ways to Support Small Businesses

There are a lot of good reasons to support small business, including that it’s good for the economy, your community, and your neighbors. Remarkably, 99.9 percent of U.S. companies are small businesses (which is defined as an independent company with fewer than 500 employees), and 65% of job growth over the last two decades can be attributed directly to small businesses. When you choose to shop local, you are investing directly in your community – in fact, local companies invest three times more money per dollar back into their local community than chain stores! 

Make it your 2020 resolution to support local business! Here are four ways you can do just that:

  1. Shop local.

    When you make choices about where to shop or who to hire for service, choose local whenever you can. You’re helping to support someone’s livelihood! By the same token, a local company wants you to have a great experience and will customize your service whenever possible. Local companies also remember YOU personally and care about your life, not just your purchasing power.

  2. Engage with small businesses on social media.

    Most local companies have a presence on one or more social media platforms, where they can get a lot of value from low cost marketing services. The more you interact with their pages, the more likely their posts will be shown to others, which helps them acquire new customers and grow their businesses. If you haven’t already, please “like” us on Facebook!

  3. Leave a review!

    When you have a good experience with a local company, make it a point to leave a positive review. There are many platforms for this, but our favorites are Google and Facebook. It only takes you a minute to post the review, but it could make a big difference for the store or service company. Ultimately, you’ll also help inform other potential customers through your first-hand experience.

  4. Recommend small businesses to your friends.

    This is similar to leaving a review, but on a more personal level — pass a company’s information along to your friends and family, and when someone on your Facebook or in your community asks for a recommendation, make sure you give a shout out to your favorite local businesses!

Supporting small business can be cheap, quick, and convenient! We hope you’ll consider doing all of the above for us and all your favorite local companies! We are so proud to be part of this Oklahoma community and we value your love and support.

Sources: SBA, Mass.Gov