Get Ahead of Your Holiday Cleaning

Thank goodness trick-or-treaters do not come INSIDE the house! This weekend might mark the end of spooky season, but it also signals the beginning of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years — a.k.a the holidays where people DO see the inside of your home! Start your holiday cleaning now, and save the stressful time for cooking a turkey or wrapping a gift.

How can we help your home look gorgeous for the holidays? 

We’ll start with your carpet and rugs! Sometimes regular vacuuming and spot treatments just don’t cut it -- our carpet cleaning services can handle the bigger, deep-set jobs that require heavy duty equipment and expertise.

Then, when the judgy family members get there (yes, we all have them...) you won’t be wondering if they notice the stains or smell the lingering pet odors because your old carpet will look and smell new again. Plus, it’s nice to know when the whole family squeezes together for gift giving or games, that the carpet makes a great seat too!

Why get my carpets cleaned now? 

It is recommended to have your carpets professionally cleaned every 12 months. So scheduling your carpet cleaning services annually for late October or early November means they will be prepped and ready for the holidays each year! 

How else can Sooner Cleaning + Restoration help with holiday cleaning?

Beyond your fuzzy flooring, we can make sure the air ducts, dryer vents and chimney are clean as well! Our services are great for keeping your guests healthy. We can minimize the risk for allergies and colds by ridding your home of extra pathogens, dust, and mold. That way you can keep any visiting grandparents and babies safe this season!

Okay, I’m in! How can I get Sooner Cleaning + Restoration to help me get a head start on my home for the holidays?

Just give us a call! We would love to chat with you about the services you need to make your holiday preparations less stressful. 405.329.8999
