April Showers...

We all remember the copious amounts of precipitation we received around this time last spring. We’re not sure who did the rain dance that brought on that water, but we definitely saw a lot of flooded homes by the end of it. Both water leaks and floods are very serious issues in homes and commercial properties, and they both require immediate attention. We want to make sure that you’re ready for any sort of situation involving water infiltration. We developed some steps for you to take if you have a water leak or flooding, so you’ll be better equipped to diffuse the situation.

  • If you can't stop the water flow, call a plumber immediately.
  • If possible, keep the temperature cool in the area to prevent mold growth.
  • Place foil or plastic below furniture legs to prevent stains to the carpet.
  • Turn off the electricity in all affected areas.
  • Remove items from the floor in closets.
  • Put drapes/curtains on hangers and place on a rod to prevent water stains.
  • Remove all area rugs.
  • Do not use a vacuum, this may cause an electrical shock.
  • Try not to walk on wet carpet.