Cleaning Tips

Goodbye and Good Riddance to Summer Mold

It’s hot, humid, rainy... and the perfect breeding conditions for the age-old household enemy—mold! Many home owners start to see this ring true as the hot summer months roll around. As Robert Weitz, a certified microbial investigator says, “Mold is not picky – it only needs moisture and a food source, such as wood, ceiling tiles, carpet, or sheet rock, to begin growing. The house next door may be fine, and yours may be a serious health hazard.”

How to Prep Your Rental Property for New Tenants

It’s almost time to prepare your rental property for new tenants! Although not everyone can be “Landlord of the Year,” there are some services offered at Sooner Cleaning + Restoration that can get you pretty close! From making repairs to deep cleaning the property, this process can be overwhelming. Let us help you do all the prep work as the time for new tenants draws closer every day.

It's Time for Spring Cleaning!

With the warm weather finally sticking around, it’s a sign that spring is arriving quickly. While this is a welcome relief for most of us, it can also be a reminder of an all-too long Spring Cleaning checklist. After spending not just the winter, but the majority of the last year inside, a fresh start is needed now more than ever.

Got Mold?

Oklahoma summers are known for being extremely hot and extremely humid, and while summer 2020 was unique in a lot of ways, the weather wasn’t one of them. Unfortunately, this combination of hot and humid weather creates the perfect environment for mold to thrive in. We’re here to provide some tips and information to help ease your worries.

Sterilizing Your Home or Business

Protect yourself from COVID-19: sterilize your home or business today.

As we all face this overwhelming situation, Sooner Cleaning + Restoration is available to provide aid through environmentally-safe, virucidal products and services for sanitizing a range of furniture, flooring, carpets, and air ducts, as well as air scrubbers to treat air quality issues.

How to Clean Your Fireplace this Fall

How to Clean Your Fireplace this Fall

How to Clean Your Fireplace this Fall

Every day is a little cooler and winter is right around the corner, which means in a few short weeks you might be chopping wood or scooping your pellet stove insert into your fireplace to stay warm. Now is the right time to clean the chimney to make sure it is safe to use.How do you know it is time for cleaning? The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) says fireplaces need cleaning when the inside of the chimney or flue system has 1/8″ of soot buildup.The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) encourages homeowners to clean and inspect their fireplaces at least once a year even if it isn’t used often. It isn’t uncommon for animals to makes nests in the area, and when they do, it is unsafe to start a fire below.You might be looking to clean your chimney, or maybe you just want to know more about the process. Either way, here are the steps needed to ensure your chimney is ready to keep you cozy warm during the cold winter. 

Step 1: Inspect the buildup

Start by making sure there isn’t a downdraft, and if you feel air flow open a window in the same room as the chimney to stop it. Next, put on goggles and a dust mask. Grab a good flashlight and a fireplace poker. Scratch the surface of the smoke chamber.If the groove is ⅛ inch thick, then it is time to schedule cleaning. If it is ¼ inch thick or more, then don’t start another fire until a cleaning is completed.Also check for creosote at the top of the firebox, in the smoke chamber, the damper and the flue. 

Step 2: Limit the mess

Cleaning a chimney is a dirty job. It’s best to start by controlling the mess. Grab a roll of duct tape, lay canvas tarp over the hearth and seal it up around the entire opening of the chimney. Put the hose of a shop vacuum behind the seal of the opening to grab the dust and soot.It helps to use extra hoses so you can place the vacuum outside, so when you dump it or clean it, you are not releasing all of the ash in your home. Furthermore, many shop vacuum filters don’t trap the fine soot and will blow right out the exhaust port. This step will save you extra clean up. 

Step 3: Top to bottom brushing

It’s time to jump on the roof with your chimney brush, but first, turn on the shop vacuum, so it is ready to grab what you are throwing down. Ram the cleaning brush down the flue and move it up and down several times in one small section.Use a good flashlight to inspect your work before going to the next section. Continue down the fireplace until you reach the smoke box. The rest of the work needs to be completed from the inside.Peel back a part of the sheeting sealing off the fireplace. Then, use a long-handled brush and noodle brush to remove the soot from the smoke shelf and firebox. 

Step 4: Finish the job carefully.

Before you remove the shop vacuum, use it to remove the remaining soot. When you are finished, carefully remove the seal from the fireplace. Wrap up the canvas and throw it away, so you don’t spread the soot around your home.Cleaning a chimney requires quite a few tools including several different types of chimney brushes. If you don’t have the equipment, time or experience give Sooner Carpet a call at (405) 329-8999, and we'll make sure you have a safe chimney. We want to give you peace of mind while you depend on its warmth this winter.

9 Vacuuming Mistakes You Might be Making

9 Vacuuming Mistakes You Might be Making

9 Vacuuming Mistakes You Might be Making

It’s unlikely you evaluate your vacuuming skills on a regular basis. In most circumstances, it is a pretty thoughtless task. However, you can’t keep your carpet looking great for years to come without the right technique. My vacuum just went out and I bought a new one from, it sucks up everything.If you correct the common vacuuming errors most people make, you will love the results and the long-term savings.

1.   Making the task a race

And they’re off, like a herd of turtles!It’s a busy world, and you probably do not want to spend more time than absolutely on household chores.Most people will turn on their vacuum and start power walking around the house until the surface looks sufficiently clean. This, however, is not as effective as you think.When you move too fast, you don’t give the vacuum enough time to pick up debris from below the surface. This means your carpet will lose its newness and shine quickly. Instead, move slowly and repeat the same motion several times.This technique will remove up to 85 percent of dust and allergens, while also making high-traffic patterns less noticeable.

2.   Not vacuuming enough

How often should you vacuum?The right answer: every day.Realistically, this won’t happen. Instead, consider at least sweeping the high traffic areas near the doorways and hallways several times a week. Then, vacuum the floors at least once a week. Finally, try to get under furniture and do a more thorough job at least once a month.

3.   Waiting too long to empty the bag

Nobody enjoys changing a vacuum bag. It involves trying to not spill several weeks of dust on the floor. Ignoring this chore is like not changing your car’s oil on the right schedule.Not changing the bag will make your vacuuming efforts less effective, but more importantly, you will damage the motor.If possible, try to clean the vacuum outside to eliminate any concerns about dropping debris back into your home.Go the extra mile: clean the “brush roll” or “beater roll.”

4.   Not vacuuming in both directions

Many people will vacuum in one direction only. The problem with this technique is you only grab half of the dirt and dust. If you look closely at your carpet, you will notice fibers are twisted together and require multiple directions to clean the surface properly.

5.   Ignoring the attachments

Stop bashing your vacuuming against the baseboards hoping to get the dirt. Your vacuum has attachments for a reason.Get familiar with the different tools on your vacuum, and use them in your vacuuming routine. It’s worth it because getting closer to the baseboards and in those hard to reach places will further reduce allergens in your home.

6.   Dusting the furniture after you vacuum

Sometimes, there is a right and wrong order to clean in your home. You shouldn’t dust your furniture after you vacuum your floor because it would be counterproductive.Before you dig the vacuum out from the back of your closet, grab your dusting supplies and clean off the tables, baseboards and ceiling fans in a room.

7.   Never moving the furniture

If it looks clean it is clean, right?Just because you can’t see underneath the furniture in your home, it doesn’t mean it isn’t dirty and in need of a thorough vacuuming. Furthermore, leaving your furniture in one place for extended periods of time is really hard on your carpet and will limit the lifespan of the surface.

8.   Vacuuming over hard objects

It’s easy to just zoom over a small rock or other hard objects. It seems like it won’t cause any problems, but it is highly advisable not to get into this habit. Pick up all the visible hard objects on the floor before vacuuming, because you could do damage to the inside of your vacuum cleaner. If you have invested in the best hardwood floor vacuums, it is better to sweep your floors before passing the vacuum. Really, it only takes vacuuming a hard object once to land you in a repair shop or worse, replacing a vacuum.

9.   Operating with the wrong settings

Some vacuums allow you to adjust the height, and choosing the wrong setting could make be damaging to the vacuum or simply make your efforts ineffective. The best strategy is to listen to your vacuum. Does it sound like it is working properly? If not, adjust the height until it is a better fit for the surface.Don’t forget, even with the best vacuuming technique, you will need get professional commercial maid services in Melbourne once and a while to deep clean your carpet to ensure it stays fresh and clean. At Sooner Carpet we believe nothing works better than the hot water extraction method (steam cleaning).Call us at 405-329-8999 for a free estimate on carpet cleaning services for your home or business.

7 Tips to Keep Your New Carpet Looking Grand

7 Tips to Keep Your New Carpet Looking Grand

7 Tips to Keep Your New Carpet Looking Grand

The installation of your new carpet is complete, and you couldn’t be happier. The rooms in your home have new life because of the fresh and clean floor. Now, you are left wondering how long it will last.We all make those promises. After buying a new car, you swear the kids will never eat in it. When you purchase a new shirt, you strengthen your resolve not to spill coffee or drop mustard during lunch. When you get a new carpet, you commit to vacuuming every day. Those ambitions are quickly doused by a dose of reality. A two-year-old demanding their starving and you hand them a chicken nugget because you really need to focus on driving. The speed bump that tips your sip of coffee down the front of your shirt and a busy month goes by with the vacuuming gathering dust in the back of a closet.We have all been there. It happens, but right now you need to know exactly how to keep your carpet pristine for decades to come, and there are seven ways to reach your goal. 

1. Vacuum (not every day, but often)

We feel a bit like a broken record with this tip, but it is so important. Don’t let your carpet become a home for dust and dirt. Create a vacuuming schedule by dropping an alert in your calendar, so you don’t forget. Always remember it is not a race. Moving the vacuum slowly rather than quickly it time to really grab the dirt below the surface. Once is not enough. Run the vacuum horizontally over a room, and then vacuum again by running it vertically over the room. Use the attachments to grab dirt and dust from hard to reach places in corners or up against the baseboards. 

2. Welcome mats keep out unwanted guests

The hard-bristled mat outside of your front door offers more than a clever catchphrase. It is the first line of defense to prevent dirt from entering your home. The fibers latch on to debris stuck to the bottom of a shoe to keep the mess outside.Be diligent about taking off your shoes, and ask guests to do the same. This further prevents tracking mud or dust across you clean carpet.

3. Avoid powder carpet fresheners

Carpet powder is one way to make a room smell fresh! However, without proper vacuuming techniques, it is possible to leave behind residue in the carpet.  If you use it excessively, it is more likely to cause more problems than it solves. It can even result in white stains on the surface. 

4. Trim the snags you are destined to discover

Snags will eventually happen, especially if you have kids or pets. The most important thing to remember is to never pull a snag because it will just make it worse by tearing the carpet away from the backing. The best strategy is to use a pair of scissors and trim it at the base to prevent further damage.The best strategy is to use a pair of scissors and trim it at the base to prevent further damage.

5. Potty train your furry family member

It is challenging to keep carpets clean and fresh with a pet, especially if he or she isn’t house trained yet. Train fast and early to limit excessive damage to your carpet. Clean up those inevitable accidents quickly. Treat the area with cleaners that are safe for your pet and will eliminate the odor. Even the slightest smell might encourage your pet to repeat the accident in the same area. Treat the area with cleaners that are safe for your pet and will eliminate the odor. Even the slightest smell might encourage your pet to repeat the accident in the same area.Vacuuming regularly will keep their fur out of the fibers of your carpet, and wiping their paws will eliminate some dust and dirt they could track in from outside.

6. Don’t engage in habits that result in spills

It only takes one trip to cause an accident. While a spill won’t result in an entirely ruined carpet, multiple messes over time will cause stains that are really hard to remove or hide.Encourage the young children in your house to eat and drink somewhere kid-friendly, like at a table with placemats or somewhere that has tile.Don’t live life on the edge, scoot your wine glasses and other liquids to the center of an end table to prevent it from dropping to the floor.Serve dinner at the table in the dining room rather than eating on the couch in front of the TV. All of these habits can result in a mess.No matter how hard you try, it is highly likely there will be an accident on your carpet, but don’t sweat the spills, that is why we are here!

7. Hire the professionals

Your carpet is new, so you don’t need a professional clean anytime soon right? Wrong, you need to professionally clean your carpet twice a year regardless of the age of the floor. In fact, if your goal is to keep the carpet looking new, then the sooner, the better. If you have a water leak or other types of major damage, then a professional can provide quality restoration. We have experience cleaning up all types of messes, so call Sooner Carpet Cleaning at 405-329-8999 for an estimate.

10 tips to maintain your carpet like an expert!

Clean carpets like an expert, sooner carpet, how to clean carpet, clean carpet in Norman

Clean carpets like an expert, sooner carpet, how to clean carpet, clean carpet in Norman

Want to know how we would keep our carpets looking new and fresh? Here are ten tips that really make your carpet stay in great shape. It’s not as hard as you think.

1. Vacuum often, vacuum rightA clean carpet begins with vacuuming regularly. That means more than just running a Hoover over the carpet once or twice a month. Use the crevice attachments to get dirt and dust from around the room. Vacuum the entire space horizontally, and then again vertically. The more times you run it over the surface, the more dirt it removes. Don’t let the bag get more than half full or it won’t work as efficiently. It’s also not a race. Vacuum slowly so it has the chance to pick up all the dirt embedded below the surface to the carpet. Finally, adjust the height, so it works just right for your floor.

2. An extra layer helps your carpet go the extra mileThose high foot traffic areas in your home take a beating on a daily basis. Consider laying down a decorative rug to prevent premature wear on your carpet. Area rugs are a great way to brighten a room and display your unique style. You can purchase a new beautiful rug from They can also help you cover up a worn spot and prolong your need to install a new carpet. Heavier rugs are less likely to bunch and create tripping hazards. Using a carpet pad can also help keep your new rug in place. 

3. Have a spill? Clean it quick.Time is crucial when it comes to cleaning up a mess. Don’t waste a minute when something spills onto your carpet. The secret is to dab, not scrub, believe these can help. Rubbing the spill just pushes the particles down further into the carpet threads. Each type of mess requires a different strategy. Know what works best for your current problem. It might be hydrogen peroxide, dish soap or other types of cleaning supplies. We also share our strategies to help you attack the most stubborn stains.

4. Wipe your feet and take off those shoesTake your shoes off at the door. Any dirt trapped in the sole of your shoes will be ground into the fibers of your carpet. Your shoes can also be very abrasive and breakdown the surface. Furthermore, shoes pick up all sorts of different substances that you certainly don’t want in your home and stuck in your carpet.

5. Conduct the occasional room redesignPlush carpets are great for filling a room with warmth and comfort. However, when you move your sofa after a few years, the damage is done. Rearranging a room takes time, effort and planning, but it protects your carpet from indentations that are impossible to remove. Rugs can also help with any major dents from heavy furniture.

6. Stretch it out.In addition to being unsightly, those ripples in the carpet can limit the lifespan of the surface. Humidity, moving heavy furniture or even an incorrect installation can cause your carpet to buckle. Ignoring the problem won’t make it go away. In fact, it will only get worse over time and may lead to your carpet creasing. The good news is SoonerCarpet can stretch it back out. into place.  Have questions about this process? We can answer them. (linking back to stretching blog).

7. Apply stain resistant productsNo surface is truly stain resistant, but some products can help you clean up messes a bit easier. Some carpets are created to be stain resistant, but that factory protection diminishes over time and especially in the traffic areas.  There are also protectants, which can be applied to all carpets at any time. for regular carpets. Carpet protectors like Scotchgard help prevent dirt and liquids from absorbing into the fibers as quickly. It can also prevent fading from sunlight. This is a good option to help you prevent long term damage to your carpet.

8. Install curtains or blindsWe are in the midst of a hot summer, and the sunlight can do more than just warm up your house. The carpet may be your favorite color, but those UV rays can cause it to fade in splotchy areas around your windows. Install curtains that block the sunlight during the morning and evening hours to protect the surface from direct light. You can also use window tinting that blocks any UV rays.

9. Change out the air filtersThe fibers in your carpet grab all the dust and dirt near it. If your air filter isn’t working the way hospital-grade air purifiers work, then your carpet will work overtime. That means it is bad for your air quality and your carpet. Change your air filters often to keep dust and dirt out of your floor.

10. Take time for a deep clean or just call us!Nothing quite does the job like a good deep clean. It is possible to rent equipment and do the job yourself, but hiring a professional has its perks.Our experience and superior equipment makes our cleaning ability much greater. We treat your carpet like our carpet every time we visit. Call us at 405.329.8999 to ask us how we can help your carpet look like new.

Stubborn Carpet Stains and How to Clean Them



Life happens. If you have kids, pets or host parties, accidents and spills are inevitable. The good news is with a little time and a couple of strategies, there’s no reason to fret over messes that cause those stubborn carpet stains. 

Nail Polish

Maybe you’re running late for a big event or settling in for a relaxing evening. Either way, you decide to paint your nails. Despite taking several precautions, such as laying down a towel, the bottle tips over and the colorful liquid pours out onto the carpet. The new stain seems permanent, but taking quick action can remove the spill entirely.

Here is what you need:

· Soft cloth

· Rubbing alcohol

· Hairspray

· Hydrogen peroxide

· Nail polish remover

· Water

· Carpet cleaner

Take action:

Start by keeping the area damp with water, and begin blotting the spill without scrubbing or spreading it. Apply nail polish remover to a small portion of carpet under a piece of furniture or in the back of a closet to ensure it doesn’t remove the color. If it doesn’t damage the carpet then apply nail polish remover to the soft cloth and begin blotting it into the stain.

Apply rubbing alcohol or hairspray to the area to further help the stain removal process. Alcohol-based products act as a degreasing agent, effectively removing several ink stains. But, use it lightly – as it can cause colors to fade.

If the carpet is white, then hydrogen peroxide can help bleach the area. Once all the polish is removed, clean the area with mild soap or carpet shampoo, and press out the water.

Synthetic-Red Stains

Kool-Aid, tomato juice, red wine or other types of synthetic red stains are difficult, but not impossible to remove. These stains generally occur as accidents while hosting parties or when the kids get home from school. It’s important to know when this type of mess occurs, time is important.

Here is what you need:

· Soft cloth

· Salt or baking soda

· Hydrogen peroxide

· Carpet cleaner

· Soft soap

Take action:

Begin by blotting up the liquid, and then add cold water to dilute the liquid further. Apply baking soda or salt to the area to help absorb more liquid. Vacuum the stain and repeat until removing the entire stain. Using gentle soap or carpet cleaner can also help you clean.

Pet stains

Pets are members of the family, but new and untrained animals can unintentionally cause damage to carpets and the mess creates unpleasant odors too. So, what do you do when your puppy or kitten has an accident on the floor?

Here is what you will need:

· Paper towels

· Newspapers

· odor eliminator

· Cool water and carpet cleaner

Take action:

Soak up as much of the urine as possible with a thick layer of paper towels, and lay something heavy on top of the paper towels for added weight. The Humane Society explains that it’s important to neutralize the pet odor after the area is clean because the pet may make a habit of returning to the accident area.

Avoid using steam cleaners because the heat will ingrain the stain and odor by bonding the protein to fibers. Also avoid cleaning with strong chemicals, because it could encourage the animal to remark the area.

Consult the professionals

Removing stains immediately after they occur is important, but so is consulting professionals and maintaining the area with regular deep cleaning. Sooner Cleaning + Restoration provides customers water extraction services, water drying and carpet cleaning services. For a consultation or to schedule a cleaning, call 405-329-8999.

5 Ways to Prevent Frozen Pipes

With winter finally here, it’s time to start prepping your home for the 2017 (and the unpredictable weather). One of the biggest risks you run with dropping temperatures is freezing pipes. Our team here at Sooner Cleaning + Restoration has gathered five ways to prevent frozen pipes so that you and your family can stay cozy all season long!

1. Your water is running. No need to catch it.

Whether you’ve lost power or simply experiencing freezing temperatures in your area, it’s important to keep water running – even if it’s a small trickle. Make sure to flip the faucet towards the hot side, though!

2. You’ve got to crawl before you can walk.

Remember that crawl space that collects cobwebs? What about that basement downstairs? If you have any plumbing in these areas, make sure your AC repair is up to date or else you will need to keep a heat lamp focused near the pipes and/or drain to ensure nothing freezes.

3. Don’t forget the great outdoors.

When anticipating severe winter weather, be sure to disconnect your water hose from the outdoor faucet. While you’re doing this, take a moment to inspect the spigot for any leaks. This will help you save a little extra money on your utility bills.

4. Shut the front door! But, keep the cabinet open.

In your kitchen and bathroom areas, keep your cabinet doors open whenever possible. This will give your pipes some room to breathe (and thaw). We recommend keeping high traffic area doors open while closing off closets and unused spaces. This will keep the warm air circulating in the spaces you reside.

5. Share in the warmth.

You can wrap heater tape around your pipes to keep them insulated. Most heater tape works by a built-in thermostat or includes a system of cables. Please note, though. It’s always best practice to follow the manufacturer’s instructions in the packaging.

Is your home ready for the cold season ahead? If not, don’t worry. Whether it’s chimney cleaning or water restoration needs, you can always count on Sooner Cleaning + Restoration to be there and ready to tackle the toughest of problems. (405) 329-8999

Carpet Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid



Having clean carpet is one of the most important parts of having a tidy, healthy home. Here are top five carpet cleaning mistakes you should avoid to achieve the cleanest carpet possible.

1. Waiting to Clean up the Spill

As soon as the dreaded spill or splat happens, move quickly to clean it up. Spills sink immediately into the fibers, making them more difficult to remove. If the spill is acidic, it could even eat away at the carpet fibers. While if the stain is left unattended for too long, the spill can seep into the carpet padding.

2. Not Testing Cleaning Products Prior to Use

In order to avoid potentially ruining your carpet, you should test the cleaning products in a discrete area. Before using them for the first time, take some time and apply them in the corner of the room or under a couch or rug. This simple, extra step can help avoid an even larger, unwanted stain in the middle of your room.

3. Never Hiring Professional Carpet Cleaners

If your carpets are well worn with frequent stains from children or pets, or if you are trying to get your home ready for an open house, a professional carpet cleaning could do the trick. Professional maids in Spring TX will remove most of the pesky little stain remnants, pet hair, and long lasting odors when cleaning.

4. Using Deodorizing Powder to Clean Spills

We all want our carpets and rugs to smell clean and fresh, but one common mistake that people make is using deodorizing powders to clean up spills. Deodorizing powders aren’t designed to clean up spills, so it is best to use it after the stain is removed. Make sure you don’t use the powder too often because vacuums aren't strong enough to pull out all of the powder from the carpet fibers and this can result in buildup in the carpet fibers.

5. Scrubbing Spills out of the Carpet

When the time comes to remove the dreaded stain out of your carpet, we all have a tendency to scrub the stains out as hard and as fast as we can. Even though you may be removing the stain, scrubbing your carpet untwists and fades the carpet fibers which causes permanent damage. The best way to remove a stain is to start by scraping up what you can with a spoon and then blot the stain with a towel. After the moisture is absorbed, use a stain remover.For more valuable information on cleaning your carpets, check out this rug cleaning guide from NW Rugs