Got Mold?


Oklahoma summers are known for being extremely hot and extremely humid, and while summer 2020 was unique in a lot of ways, the weather wasn’t one of them. Unfortunately, this combination of hot and humid weather creates the perfect environment for mold to thrive in. We’re here to provide some tips and information to help ease your worries.

Is mold bad for your health?

Many types of mold are relatively harmless to your health. Mold is primarily threatening for those with pre-existing allergies or health conditions, respiratory problems such as asthma, and individuals with weakened immune systems.

Mold can increase the risk of asthma attacks, especially if you already suffer from respiratory issues. It can also have more minor effects, such as frequent sneezing, runny nose or itchy eyes, presenting similarly to hay fever. In extreme cases, the presence of mold can lead to bronchitis.

How can you prevent mold?

In short, it’s very difficult. Mold is spread by spores, which are invisible to the human eye. These spores are virtually impossible to remove from your home. However, these spores will only grow into mold in the perfect conditions.

The perfect conditions for mold growth are typically wet or damp areas, such as your shower, wet paper products like cardboard or wallpaper and insulation materials, areas with window condensation, or areas where leaks or flooding have occured. The heat and humidity of Oklahoma summers, of course, encourage mold growth in many places as condensation from your air conditioner lingers.  

The best way to prevent mold? Controlling moisture by decreasing humidity.

How can we help?

If you suspect you have mold in your house, give us a call! We will start by inspecting your home for signs of mold. If we determine mold is present, the next step is to figure out if it’s harmful to your health or not. We will then proceed with a customized mold removal plan to ensure that you -- and your home -- are safe and mold-free!

Souces: Medical News Today