carpet cleaning

Clean After Clean: How to Maintain Clean Carpets After a Professional Cleaning

So you just had your carpets cleaned by the highly trained professionals at Sooner Cleaning + Restoration. Now what? While we love to visit you to clean your carpets, we also want to empower you with the best tips and tricks for maintaining clean carpets after we leave!

A Gift Certificate from Sooner Cleaning + Restoration is the Best Gift

THIS WEEK ONLY, we are offering $100 gift certificates for only $85! By giving someone a SC + R gift certificate, you’re gifting them time to focus on other projects while the professionals handle the heavy lifting. Your mom/dad/brother/sister/friend will be impressed that you understand their lifestyle and looked past the generic candles and bath bombs to find something that would REALLY tackle the root cause of their stress instead of treating the symptoms.

Make Your Carpet Look New Again

Whether you realize it or not, carpets are a tell-tale sign of a home’s true age. Don’t allow your faded rugs and worn out carpet to clue your guests in on all your home’s oldest secrets — instead you can fool them by having the carpet professionally cleaned! Clean carpets can make a big difference in the perceived youth of a living space.

It's Time for Spring Cleaning!

With the warm weather finally sticking around, it’s a sign that spring is arriving quickly. While this is a welcome relief for most of us, it can also be a reminder of an all-too long Spring Cleaning checklist. After spending not just the winter, but the majority of the last year inside, a fresh start is needed now more than ever.

Improve Your Allergies

Have your allergies kicked in yet in 2021? There are quite a few ways we can help you get ahead of them this year! From air duct cleaning to mold removal to everything in between, Sooner Cleaning + Restoration has tips (and services!) to help you decrease the severity of your allergies this year.

9 Vacuuming Mistakes You Might be Making

9 Vacuuming Mistakes You Might be Making

9 Vacuuming Mistakes You Might be Making

It’s unlikely you evaluate your vacuuming skills on a regular basis. In most circumstances, it is a pretty thoughtless task. However, you can’t keep your carpet looking great for years to come without the right technique. My vacuum just went out and I bought a new one from, it sucks up everything.If you correct the common vacuuming errors most people make, you will love the results and the long-term savings.

1.   Making the task a race

And they’re off, like a herd of turtles!It’s a busy world, and you probably do not want to spend more time than absolutely on household chores.Most people will turn on their vacuum and start power walking around the house until the surface looks sufficiently clean. This, however, is not as effective as you think.When you move too fast, you don’t give the vacuum enough time to pick up debris from below the surface. This means your carpet will lose its newness and shine quickly. Instead, move slowly and repeat the same motion several times.This technique will remove up to 85 percent of dust and allergens, while also making high-traffic patterns less noticeable.

2.   Not vacuuming enough

How often should you vacuum?The right answer: every day.Realistically, this won’t happen. Instead, consider at least sweeping the high traffic areas near the doorways and hallways several times a week. Then, vacuum the floors at least once a week. Finally, try to get under furniture and do a more thorough job at least once a month.

3.   Waiting too long to empty the bag

Nobody enjoys changing a vacuum bag. It involves trying to not spill several weeks of dust on the floor. Ignoring this chore is like not changing your car’s oil on the right schedule.Not changing the bag will make your vacuuming efforts less effective, but more importantly, you will damage the motor.If possible, try to clean the vacuum outside to eliminate any concerns about dropping debris back into your home.Go the extra mile: clean the “brush roll” or “beater roll.”

4.   Not vacuuming in both directions

Many people will vacuum in one direction only. The problem with this technique is you only grab half of the dirt and dust. If you look closely at your carpet, you will notice fibers are twisted together and require multiple directions to clean the surface properly.

5.   Ignoring the attachments

Stop bashing your vacuuming against the baseboards hoping to get the dirt. Your vacuum has attachments for a reason.Get familiar with the different tools on your vacuum, and use them in your vacuuming routine. It’s worth it because getting closer to the baseboards and in those hard to reach places will further reduce allergens in your home.

6.   Dusting the furniture after you vacuum

Sometimes, there is a right and wrong order to clean in your home. You shouldn’t dust your furniture after you vacuum your floor because it would be counterproductive.Before you dig the vacuum out from the back of your closet, grab your dusting supplies and clean off the tables, baseboards and ceiling fans in a room.

7.   Never moving the furniture

If it looks clean it is clean, right?Just because you can’t see underneath the furniture in your home, it doesn’t mean it isn’t dirty and in need of a thorough vacuuming. Furthermore, leaving your furniture in one place for extended periods of time is really hard on your carpet and will limit the lifespan of the surface.

8.   Vacuuming over hard objects

It’s easy to just zoom over a small rock or other hard objects. It seems like it won’t cause any problems, but it is highly advisable not to get into this habit. Pick up all the visible hard objects on the floor before vacuuming, because you could do damage to the inside of your vacuum cleaner. If you have invested in the best hardwood floor vacuums, it is better to sweep your floors before passing the vacuum. Really, it only takes vacuuming a hard object once to land you in a repair shop or worse, replacing a vacuum.

9.   Operating with the wrong settings

Some vacuums allow you to adjust the height, and choosing the wrong setting could make be damaging to the vacuum or simply make your efforts ineffective. The best strategy is to listen to your vacuum. Does it sound like it is working properly? If not, adjust the height until it is a better fit for the surface.Don’t forget, even with the best vacuuming technique, you will need get professional commercial maid services in Melbourne once and a while to deep clean your carpet to ensure it stays fresh and clean. At Sooner Carpet we believe nothing works better than the hot water extraction method (steam cleaning).Call us at 405-329-8999 for a free estimate on carpet cleaning services for your home or business.

7 Tips to Keep Your New Carpet Looking Grand

7 Tips to Keep Your New Carpet Looking Grand

7 Tips to Keep Your New Carpet Looking Grand

The installation of your new carpet is complete, and you couldn’t be happier. The rooms in your home have new life because of the fresh and clean floor. Now, you are left wondering how long it will last.We all make those promises. After buying a new car, you swear the kids will never eat in it. When you purchase a new shirt, you strengthen your resolve not to spill coffee or drop mustard during lunch. When you get a new carpet, you commit to vacuuming every day. Those ambitions are quickly doused by a dose of reality. A two-year-old demanding their starving and you hand them a chicken nugget because you really need to focus on driving. The speed bump that tips your sip of coffee down the front of your shirt and a busy month goes by with the vacuuming gathering dust in the back of a closet.We have all been there. It happens, but right now you need to know exactly how to keep your carpet pristine for decades to come, and there are seven ways to reach your goal. 

1. Vacuum (not every day, but often)

We feel a bit like a broken record with this tip, but it is so important. Don’t let your carpet become a home for dust and dirt. Create a vacuuming schedule by dropping an alert in your calendar, so you don’t forget. Always remember it is not a race. Moving the vacuum slowly rather than quickly it time to really grab the dirt below the surface. Once is not enough. Run the vacuum horizontally over a room, and then vacuum again by running it vertically over the room. Use the attachments to grab dirt and dust from hard to reach places in corners or up against the baseboards. 

2. Welcome mats keep out unwanted guests

The hard-bristled mat outside of your front door offers more than a clever catchphrase. It is the first line of defense to prevent dirt from entering your home. The fibers latch on to debris stuck to the bottom of a shoe to keep the mess outside.Be diligent about taking off your shoes, and ask guests to do the same. This further prevents tracking mud or dust across you clean carpet.

3. Avoid powder carpet fresheners

Carpet powder is one way to make a room smell fresh! However, without proper vacuuming techniques, it is possible to leave behind residue in the carpet.  If you use it excessively, it is more likely to cause more problems than it solves. It can even result in white stains on the surface. 

4. Trim the snags you are destined to discover

Snags will eventually happen, especially if you have kids or pets. The most important thing to remember is to never pull a snag because it will just make it worse by tearing the carpet away from the backing. The best strategy is to use a pair of scissors and trim it at the base to prevent further damage.The best strategy is to use a pair of scissors and trim it at the base to prevent further damage.

5. Potty train your furry family member

It is challenging to keep carpets clean and fresh with a pet, especially if he or she isn’t house trained yet. Train fast and early to limit excessive damage to your carpet. Clean up those inevitable accidents quickly. Treat the area with cleaners that are safe for your pet and will eliminate the odor. Even the slightest smell might encourage your pet to repeat the accident in the same area. Treat the area with cleaners that are safe for your pet and will eliminate the odor. Even the slightest smell might encourage your pet to repeat the accident in the same area.Vacuuming regularly will keep their fur out of the fibers of your carpet, and wiping their paws will eliminate some dust and dirt they could track in from outside.

6. Don’t engage in habits that result in spills

It only takes one trip to cause an accident. While a spill won’t result in an entirely ruined carpet, multiple messes over time will cause stains that are really hard to remove or hide.Encourage the young children in your house to eat and drink somewhere kid-friendly, like at a table with placemats or somewhere that has tile.Don’t live life on the edge, scoot your wine glasses and other liquids to the center of an end table to prevent it from dropping to the floor.Serve dinner at the table in the dining room rather than eating on the couch in front of the TV. All of these habits can result in a mess.No matter how hard you try, it is highly likely there will be an accident on your carpet, but don’t sweat the spills, that is why we are here!

7. Hire the professionals

Your carpet is new, so you don’t need a professional clean anytime soon right? Wrong, you need to professionally clean your carpet twice a year regardless of the age of the floor. In fact, if your goal is to keep the carpet looking new, then the sooner, the better. If you have a water leak or other types of major damage, then a professional can provide quality restoration. We have experience cleaning up all types of messes, so call Sooner Carpet Cleaning at 405-329-8999 for an estimate.

Prepare for the Season With a Deep Spring Clean

Now that the weather is warming up and you can comfortably walk outside without a jacket, you may be feeling the urge – or the guilt – to spring clean. Whether you look forward to it or dread it each year, it’s no surprise the time-honored, albeit grueling tradition has its advantages, and there are several interesting theories of how it originated.

Some speculate it began during a time when people heated their home all winter with wood-burning stoves or fireplaces. By the time things outside started to thaw and you were able to open your windows, your home was coated in a thick layer of soot and grime and needed a good scrubbing. Others say the spring cleaning tradition is rooted in ancient cultures preparing for Passover or Chinese New Year.   

Whether you’re preparing for company, cleaning the leftover soot off your walls from your fireplace or just get the itch every spring to vacuum the coils under your refrigerator, there are quite a few health benefits of getting your home in order each spring that Sooner Carpet Cleaning can help with.

Save your allergies: Removing allergens from the home is always a good idea, but is especially helpful during the peak of allergy season. Removing the dust, dirt and allergens from your furniture, rugs, carpet and even air ducts can significantly improve the air quality in your home.

Increase productivity: Clutter can make you feel tense, of all the productivity measurements, visual clutter ranks among the most important, as far as impeding your mental state from reaching the flow. Letting go of the things you don’t need and organizing the things you do use can save you time and overall frustration, making you more productive.

Reduce stress: Getting your home in order can boost your emotional health and make you feel ready for the upcoming season of family gatherings, dinner parties and outdoor barbecues. You want to be sure your home is set and ready for whatever you need.

Boost your mood: Studies show the act of cleaning can provide a sense of satisfaction and put you in a better mood. Try playing some uplifting music while you clean!

Remember, we’re here to make your spring cleaning easier. Call Sooner Cleaning + Restoration today at 405.329.8999.

Commercial Air Duct Cleaning

Commercial Air Duct CleaningCommercial Air duct cleaning is something that many people overlook; however, Sooner Carpet Cleaning is here to inform the Norman community about this essential cleaning. Commercial Air duct cleaning can help reduce costs for both heating and cooling. We receive great feedback from businesses that clean air ducts can aid in decreasing expenses. Commercial Air duct cleaning removes bacteria, dust and mold to ensure greater air quality.Using state-of-the-art “source removal” equipment, Sooner Carpet & Air Duct Cleaning can thoroughly clean your home’s ventilation system.  Each duct is cleaned individually from the grill back to the main unit.Do not hesitate to reach out to Sooner Carpet Cleaning for cleaner air ducts with our superior equipment. We pride ourselves in our service that helps people breathe easier!Interested in obtaining a quote for your business?  Complete the contact form below.[si-contact-form form='1']

Stay Fresh: Carpet Cleaning Style

Stay Fresh: Carpet Cleaning StyleOne of the best tips for maintaining great carpet is to be sure to vacuum at least once a week! Seems simple enough but, it is also great to keep in mind to give special attention to those areas that family and friends are constantly venturing through. To combat unwanted odors, add a little baking soda to the vacuum cleaning bag.*Note: for any over-achievers out there, let’s take it one step further with this home remedy:

  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 cup crushed dried rosemary or lavender (or your favorite dried herb-- get creative!)
  • Combine the ingredients and spread lightly over carpet. Let it settle for a few minutes before vacuuming.

 Just like my daily routine, I like to mix up my cleaning routine; hopefully this simple mixture can make chores a little more motivating.For those carpets and rugs that need a real makeover, please do not hesitate to call Sooner Carpet Cleaning! Our services also include: water restoration, dryer vent cleaning, air duct cleaning, chimney cleaning, and sooner contracting.

Still Need a 2013 Resolution?

With the holidays and the New Year always flying by, I find myself always considering possible New Year’s resolutions. Once the Times Square ball is dropped and festivities end, more times than not, I realize that I never committed to a goal for the year. If anyone is thinking that you have that in common, let me give you an idea for 2013.Have you been contemplating any changes to your home? With Pinterest, blogs, and other social media networks, we constantly see pictures of beautiful homes that inspire us to create our own dreams held for our house.For over 10 years, Sooner Carpet Cleaning has been helping people follow through on desired plans of making their home the best it can be. Don’t let January come and go without thinking of that goal. Sooner Carpet Cleaning is a resolution that is worth keeping and we promise that you will love the results.

Storm Season Came in Like a Lion

After the weekend weather, most of us are feeling grateful.  Grateful it wasn't worse.  Grateful that we live in a community that is caring and generous. As a company that has worked in damage restoration for over a decade, we know how traumatizing any size loss can be.  Our home is our sanctuary and often times are largest investment.  As a locally owned and operated company, Sooner Carpet Cleaning & Restoration can help you navigate the initial shock, understand the insurance companies perspective and get you back to normal as quickly as possible.

Sooner Restoration and Mitchell Construction combine to form a perfect team of professionals and expertise.  Give us a call if you have questions or concerns regarding your property. Mitchell Construction, Norman OK 

Thanks for being a loyal customer of ours,Carrie & Jim MitchellOwnersSooner Carpet Cleaning & RestorationMitchell Construction