Prepare for the Season With a Deep Spring Clean

Now that the weather is warming up and you can comfortably walk outside without a jacket, you may be feeling the urge – or the guilt – to spring clean. Whether you look forward to it or dread it each year, it’s no surprise the time-honored, albeit grueling tradition has its advantages, and there are several interesting theories of how it originated.

Some speculate it began during a time when people heated their home all winter with wood-burning stoves or fireplaces. By the time things outside started to thaw and you were able to open your windows, your home was coated in a thick layer of soot and grime and needed a good scrubbing. Others say the spring cleaning tradition is rooted in ancient cultures preparing for Passover or Chinese New Year.   

Whether you’re preparing for company, cleaning the leftover soot off your walls from your fireplace or just get the itch every spring to vacuum the coils under your refrigerator, there are quite a few health benefits of getting your home in order each spring that Sooner Carpet Cleaning can help with.

Save your allergies: Removing allergens from the home is always a good idea, but is especially helpful during the peak of allergy season. Removing the dust, dirt and allergens from your furniture, rugs, carpet and even air ducts can significantly improve the air quality in your home.

Increase productivity: Clutter can make you feel tense, of all the productivity measurements, visual clutter ranks among the most important, as far as impeding your mental state from reaching the flow. Letting go of the things you don’t need and organizing the things you do use can save you time and overall frustration, making you more productive.

Reduce stress: Getting your home in order can boost your emotional health and make you feel ready for the upcoming season of family gatherings, dinner parties and outdoor barbecues. You want to be sure your home is set and ready for whatever you need.

Boost your mood: Studies show the act of cleaning can provide a sense of satisfaction and put you in a better mood. Try playing some uplifting music while you clean!

Remember, we’re here to make your spring cleaning easier. Call Sooner Cleaning + Restoration today at 405.329.8999.