Rug Cleaning

Make Your Carpet Look New Again

Whether you realize it or not, carpets are a tell-tale sign of a home’s true age. Don’t allow your faded rugs and worn out carpet to clue your guests in on all your home’s oldest secrets — instead you can fool them by having the carpet professionally cleaned! Clean carpets can make a big difference in the perceived youth of a living space.

How to care for your oriental rug

How to care for oriental rugs

How to care for oriental rugs

Oriental rugs can be the centerpiece of a room. The walls might be painted neutral colors, but it’s the rug that brings personality to the space. Oriental rugs are usually chosen with care because they often require a hefty investment. How can you care for your oriental rug to prolong its life?We know it's important you keep your favorite rug fresh and clean. These tips should help you maintain it for decades. 

1.  Dab spills. Don’t smear them.

The most important carpet cleaning hack is knowing how to clean when there is a new mess on your oriental rug.We all have the occasional accident, especially, if you have young children at home or visiting grandchildren. The saying goes “don’t cry over spilled milk.” It’s true. The carpet isn’t ruined if you spill your drink, but you’ll have to move quickly.In an emergency, take a lightly dampened cloth and dab at the spill.  Start from the edges of the spill and move inward.  Elevate the rug or the portion of the rug with the spill, and provide adequate ventilation to dry the spot.Avoid using chemical cleaning solutions, because it might start loosening the fibers of your favorite rug. For more difficult spills, use a light solution of water, mild soap and plain white vinegar.  Rinse the spot again thoroughly with water and allow the rug to dry for up to two days.Dry to the touch isn’t always enough. Lingering moisture can cause just as much damage as the spill, so make sure it can adequately dry. 

2. Plants- just not near your rug.

It’s best to keep plants off of your rug.  Dirt and debris from the pot can spill over staining it. Even worse, the dirt provides a perfect place for microorganisms to grow. You also don’t want to inadvertently water your rug. Even if there is a leak-proof container to hold extra water, condensation can still form on the other side and drip down.You also don’t want the pressure of a potted plant on your rug because it can damage the fibers.Side note, if you do keep something heavy on your rug. Move the item around instead of keeping it in one spot.  It will help prevent compression spots from becoming a permanent feature of your oriental rug.  A pad under the rug or a furniture cup can also help alleviate any compression induced stress. 

3. Inspect for insects.

Keeping plants off your rug is a good way to avoid insect damage, but some bugs will still find a way.  Certain moths and beetles prefer to lay their eggs in the fibers of your rug.  They’ll form their cocoons in your beautiful filaments.These bugs will seek out less traveled areas and dark corners.  Keep an eye out for any moths flying in your home as this may be an indication of a bigger problem.  Look for bare spots, sand-like particles, cocoons and webs on the rug for evidence of creepy crawling critters.Suction vacuuming once a month can help remove any eggs and larva from your rug.  If there is any part of your rug that is covered with furniture, specific insecticides can prevent any damage from a bug infestation.  If you’re storing your rug, a cedar trunk helps for short-term storage.We recommend calling the professionals for long-term storage of your favorite rugs. 

4. Vacuum the rug often.

When vacuuming your rug, it is best to use suction only.  The power brush head on a standard vacuum cleaner can tear the weaves and fibers in your rug.  Vacuuming up debris and dust is a good way to keep it healthy throughout the year. If there is heavy traffic, you should be vacuuming it multiple times a week.You should take the rug outside and beat the rug twice a year.  This will knock out any embedded dust and dirt from the fibers.  Take a vacuum and suction any additional dirt from the rug and give the floor a thorough cleaning.The exception to the rule is for very old rugs and fringes.  It’s best to avoid any vacuum on the edges of a rug, as it may shred the fibers and undo the weave at the edge.  For older rugs, this is of particular concern as any damage is more difficult to repair. 

5. Rotate your favorite rugs throughout your house.

You can actually rotate your rugs in two ways. First, turning the rug end to end can help evenly distribute the wear it normally receives.  A rug is best used on a hard, flat surface.  However, if it is on an uneven surface, regular rotations can help keep the integrity of the rug for longer.The second rotation technique is trading the rug with another rug in the home.  A seasonal change can help alter the look of a room, keeping not only your home looking fresh but your rugs as well.  A spare rug can also keep a room looking just the way you like while professionals are cleaning it. 

6. Hire professional cleaners.

Some rugs have significant meaning, especially if it is passed down through the family. If it is expensive and old, of course, you want to care of it. Professional cleaners know the right strategies to extend the life of your rug, and they can clean it without causing any damage. In fact, cleaning these rugs is almost as much of an art as the rugs themselves.Are you in need of professional cleaning? One of our specialties is oriental rugs, so let’s chat. Call us at (405) 329-8999 to schedule a cleaning.  

The Most Common Asked Questions about Carpet and Rug Cleaning


If you just cleaned your carpet or you are thinking about hiring a cleaner, then you will most likely have a few questions about the process. Hopefully, our answers to some of the most common questions with carpet and rug cleaning will help you. 

When will it be dry?

Carpets can take anywhere from 8 to 24 hours to fully dry.  If it is humid outside, it may take longer.  Fans may help expedite the drying process by moving air around and wicking the moisture away.  If you can open the windows in your house that too can help speed up the process, but only if you are in a very dry climate. 

How soon can I walk on it?

As long as you aren't wearing shoes, almost immediately after the floors are cleaned.  It is recommended that heavy foot traffic be diverted around the cleaned floors until they are dry.  Flat bottomed slippers or booties are the best if you need to cross the floors right after cleaning.  Caution is needed when transitioning from a wet area to tile or wood.  The bottoms of your feet could be very slick. 

Will heating the house speed up drying?

Unless it is cold outside and you need to run your furnace anyway, it is not necessary.  In the summer you can run your air conditioning. If you are having problems with your air conditioner, have ambrose air come check it out. What matters is humidity and airflow when it comes to drying your floors.  Keep the temperature in your home at a comfortable level and turn on the fans.  Running the unit on the fan will not alter the temperature but will create air movement throughout the home and improve dry time. 

What do I need to do before getting them cleaned?

Generally, you should pick up loose items off the floor.  Toys, books and remotes should be put away before the cleaning crews arrive. Items that might not react well to moisture (stack of magazines, wood- footed coffee table) should be put up on other furniture or moved away from the cleaning area.  Vacuuming right before cleaning is always helpful. Call ahead and find out if you need to vacuum your floors or what you should do about your furniture.  You usually save money when the cleaners work primarily in the open areas. 

Will cleaning my floors make them dirtier faster?

This is a myth.  Proper cleaning removes all cleaning agents and detergents from the fibers.  As long as all residual cleaning solutions are removed, and the floors don't get dirty any sooner than they would normally with heavy foot traffic One thing to consider is re-applying a protector to the carpet.  Over time and with cleaning, the protector is removed.  These products really make a difference in the life of the carpet and the re-soiling. 

Help!  My carpet developed a bubble in it right after cleaning!

Carpet ripples or “bubbles” happens if a carpet isn't stretched properly.  It should go back down after drying.  Similarly, your carpets should not shrink due to cleaning either.  If you notice these things in the days following your cleaning, please contact the cleaning company who performed the service. 

My old rug has knots showing. Can those be trimmed to make it look new again?

No, don't cut the surface knots.  It is common to see those on an old handmade rug.  It is a part of the process to tie the two ends of the fabric together when it is in the loom.  When it was new, those knots were hidden away but time and traffic can bring them out.  Don’t trim them as doing so can damage your rug.  Instead, be happy that your rug has withstood the test of time.  A good cleaning though may restore some of the color and luster it once had. 

How can I maintain my floors after they have been cleaned?

It is best to use a good, quality vacuum to pull dirt and dust out of the carpet fibers. The frequency of vacuuming is so important.  It keeps fibers from crushing and removes the dirt and dust before it settles in the base of the carpet and the carpet pad Blot any spills with a towel or rag.  Never rub or scrub spills! Just like when you remove dirt from the wall, it is generally a good idea to refrain from using chemical spot removers, especially when cleaning accidents on rugs.  A 50/50 solution of water and vinegar and blotting with a towel or rag should be enough to prevent staining from spills and accidents. Ready for a cleaning? Great! Call us at 405-329-8999 and we can answer any other questions you may have and schedule a time that works best for you.

9 Vacuuming Mistakes You Might be Making

9 Vacuuming Mistakes You Might be Making

9 Vacuuming Mistakes You Might be Making

It’s unlikely you evaluate your vacuuming skills on a regular basis. In most circumstances, it is a pretty thoughtless task. However, you can’t keep your carpet looking great for years to come without the right technique. My vacuum just went out and I bought a new one from, it sucks up everything.If you correct the common vacuuming errors most people make, you will love the results and the long-term savings.

1.   Making the task a race

And they’re off, like a herd of turtles!It’s a busy world, and you probably do not want to spend more time than absolutely on household chores.Most people will turn on their vacuum and start power walking around the house until the surface looks sufficiently clean. This, however, is not as effective as you think.When you move too fast, you don’t give the vacuum enough time to pick up debris from below the surface. This means your carpet will lose its newness and shine quickly. Instead, move slowly and repeat the same motion several times.This technique will remove up to 85 percent of dust and allergens, while also making high-traffic patterns less noticeable.

2.   Not vacuuming enough

How often should you vacuum?The right answer: every day.Realistically, this won’t happen. Instead, consider at least sweeping the high traffic areas near the doorways and hallways several times a week. Then, vacuum the floors at least once a week. Finally, try to get under furniture and do a more thorough job at least once a month.

3.   Waiting too long to empty the bag

Nobody enjoys changing a vacuum bag. It involves trying to not spill several weeks of dust on the floor. Ignoring this chore is like not changing your car’s oil on the right schedule.Not changing the bag will make your vacuuming efforts less effective, but more importantly, you will damage the motor.If possible, try to clean the vacuum outside to eliminate any concerns about dropping debris back into your home.Go the extra mile: clean the “brush roll” or “beater roll.”

4.   Not vacuuming in both directions

Many people will vacuum in one direction only. The problem with this technique is you only grab half of the dirt and dust. If you look closely at your carpet, you will notice fibers are twisted together and require multiple directions to clean the surface properly.

5.   Ignoring the attachments

Stop bashing your vacuuming against the baseboards hoping to get the dirt. Your vacuum has attachments for a reason.Get familiar with the different tools on your vacuum, and use them in your vacuuming routine. It’s worth it because getting closer to the baseboards and in those hard to reach places will further reduce allergens in your home.

6.   Dusting the furniture after you vacuum

Sometimes, there is a right and wrong order to clean in your home. You shouldn’t dust your furniture after you vacuum your floor because it would be counterproductive.Before you dig the vacuum out from the back of your closet, grab your dusting supplies and clean off the tables, baseboards and ceiling fans in a room.

7.   Never moving the furniture

If it looks clean it is clean, right?Just because you can’t see underneath the furniture in your home, it doesn’t mean it isn’t dirty and in need of a thorough vacuuming. Furthermore, leaving your furniture in one place for extended periods of time is really hard on your carpet and will limit the lifespan of the surface.

8.   Vacuuming over hard objects

It’s easy to just zoom over a small rock or other hard objects. It seems like it won’t cause any problems, but it is highly advisable not to get into this habit. Pick up all the visible hard objects on the floor before vacuuming, because you could do damage to the inside of your vacuum cleaner. If you have invested in the best hardwood floor vacuums, it is better to sweep your floors before passing the vacuum. Really, it only takes vacuuming a hard object once to land you in a repair shop or worse, replacing a vacuum.

9.   Operating with the wrong settings

Some vacuums allow you to adjust the height, and choosing the wrong setting could make be damaging to the vacuum or simply make your efforts ineffective. The best strategy is to listen to your vacuum. Does it sound like it is working properly? If not, adjust the height until it is a better fit for the surface.Don’t forget, even with the best vacuuming technique, you will need get professional commercial maid services in Melbourne once and a while to deep clean your carpet to ensure it stays fresh and clean. At Sooner Carpet we believe nothing works better than the hot water extraction method (steam cleaning).Call us at 405-329-8999 for a free estimate on carpet cleaning services for your home or business.